Parks And Wild Life Act (Chapter 20:14)
AN ACT to establish a Parks and Wild Life Board; to confer functions and impose duties on the Board; to provide for the establishment of national parks, botanical reserves, botanical gardens, sanctuaries, safari areas and recreational parks; to make provision for the preservation, conservation, propagation or control of the wild life, fish and plants of Zimbabwe and the protection of her natural landscape and scenery; to confer privileges on owners or occupiers of alienated land as custodians of wild life, fish and plants; to give certain powers to intensive conservation area committees; and to provide for matters incidental to or connected with the foregoing.
That’s marvelous
people should stop poaching
poaching is bad but informers who are being handsomely paid for tip offs leading to the arrest of poachers are now fueling poaching-These informers are now enticing people without any intention to poach because of the incentives promised-Once someone who had no intention of dealing in horns finds horns and contacts the informer,the informer contacts Parks