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  • Create Date July 24, 2020
  • Last Updated March 15, 2023
  • Good day
    Is a marriage certificate transferable from one country to the other.
    Me and my wife are Zimbabweans. (First wife passed on whilst in Zimbabwe).
    Lets say i reside in South Africa. We get married here in South Africa, and have a SA marriage Certificate. if at some point we relocate to stay permanently in Zimbabwe, is our SA marriage certificate still valid under the Zimbabwean Law ?.

  • Can marriage be fast tracked so as the marriage officer go ahead and solemnize the marriage within one week and without the publication of banns?

  • Publication of bans is one of the essential requirements. Therefore, if there’s no publication of bans, then the marriage is void ab initio.

  • Did the law change according to property distribution because sometime last year it seemed as if Marriage chapter 5:11 was being overpowered by Customary law upon distribution of property kuPension funds, That was if the late husband had a small house.

  • Before I entered marriage, I asked if I can choose the chapter that I want depending with my personal needs. He asked the needs and I explained how my marriage lacks sexual activities. He said he is only allowed to certify chapter 5:11 but however I’m allowed to date other women or have children outside this marriage as long as we do not do another official wedding. But then after the marriage I’m trying to research what he said I can’t find it anywhere. I feel like I was lied to just to make me go ahead with the marriage. How do I go about it, is there any source that confirms his claims?

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