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  • Create Date July 24, 2020
  • Last Updated March 15, 2023
  • I apply to add some facts to statutory requirements, mostly looking at elections, the principles, and the criteria of recruiting candidates, and how to equally set all people to be equivalent as registered candidates,internationally monitored by Federal Election Commission, having verification forms filed for Social civil security system for the competing candidates to remain effect to their parties only,upto the time when the high court shall enthrone them into the office. I also apply for the candidates to for all of them to have after work verification, that each candidate will be responsible for to answer questions at the high for office entry verification standard permit,that new candidates must present their aims for social people help,applications,suitable to be financial revenue provisions as donation or as collaboration between the individual named recipients recruited and other foreign charters companies. I also apply that the court council must not be nominated by the state president, it must be permanently stand, and all the elected candidates must be below the high court.I apply for the campaigning procedures, all candidates must use the Same press,use state services,campaign at the same place having different chances, attending one meeting. I also apply for the social services must be free from parties, army and religions,eg,Healthcare, Network provisions, transport, banking, the army and the police.The high court have to shorten the office term,to correct statutory requirements to appeal normal,that the court must not fear to express judgement due to the arms,or the soldiers threats.The state must have the power to be the employer of all civil and social servants,under its military security for everyone and cases reported having no judgement crews must be confirmed for justice. Social help must be permitted countries wide,for in social help products decline the prices,and it helps in perfection of supplies and ill the treatment of the poor is left.

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