Blocked Funds

Legacy Debt Resolution under the Finance Act No. 7 of 2021 INTRODUCTION During the period of Zimbabwe’s multi-currency regime that was ushered in November 2008 by the then Acting Minister of Finance Hon. Chinamasa and continued for close to a decade, public and private entities procured goods and services from entities outside the country that […]
When Banks Fail

An analysis of the Banking Act (Chapter 24:20) INTRODUCTION In 2015, the Banking Amendment Act (Act 12 of 2015) brought with it various amendments to the Banking Act (Chapter 24:20), key among these being the introduction of principles of corporate governance, as well as extending the regulatory role of the Reserve Bank to companies that […]
Guardianship of Minors Amendment Act

Summary of the Guardianship of Minors Amendment Act 2 of 2022 The Guardianship of Minors Act (Chapter 5:08) was promulgated to protect the rights of children upon divorce or separation of their parents. The Guardianship of Minors Amendment Act 2 of 2022, amends sections 3, 4 and 5 of the Act. Section 2 of the […]

Various amendments to the Labour Act (Chapter 28:01) hereinafter called “the Act”, are being crafted and the relevant Bill was approved by the Cabinet.2 We took the opportunity to go through the Bill and we saw interesting aspects of this proposed law. In this commentary, we will concentrate on aspects that we consider more controversial such as the changes that are going to affect fixed-term contracts, collective bargaining, powers of designated agents and labour officers, and retrenchment. These are aspects that affect the employer and the employee on a day-to-day basis. Besides outlining what the Bill is providing, in certain circumstances, we took the opportunity to respectfully highlight the strengths that are going to come with the Bill. We have also respectfully outlined what we consider to be the shortcomings in the Bill. We trust you will enjoy reading this commentary.