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SI 129 of 2015 - Road Traffic (Construction, Equipment and Use) Regulations, 2015
1. Title and date of commencement.
2. Interpretation.
3. Reference to standard publications.
4. Overall length of motor vehicle or trailer.
5. Width of motor vehicle or trailer.
6. Height of motor vehicle or trailer.
7. Overhang of motor vehicle or trailer.
8. Distribution of mass.
9. Axle configurations.
10. Steering system.
11. View to the front and side.
I 2. Vie to the rear.
13. Certain motor vehicles to be able to move backward and forwards.
14. Tyres.
15. Reel light visible from front and white light visible from rear
16. Pedal cycle lamps.
17. Animal drawn vehicle lamps.
18. Motor vehicle lamps other than motorcycles.
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Road Trartic (Construction, Equipment and Use) Regulations,
19. Pass lamps or fog lamps.
20. Motor cycle lamps.
21. Motor vehicle trail lamps.
22. Motor cycle trail lamps.
23. Trailers and vehicles on tmv trail lamps.
24. Motor vehicles and trailers stop lights.
25. Motor cycle stop lights.
26. Rear registration plate light.
27. Reversing-lamps.
28. Spot lights.
29. Beacon lights.
30. Height and side marker lamps.
31. Lamps to emit diffused light.
32. Retro rel1ectors: general requirements.
33. Retro reflectors: pedal cycles.
34. Retro reflectors and warning signs: animal drawn vehicles.
35. Retro reflectors: motor cycles.
36. Retro reflectors: heavy vehicles.
37. Warning sign: heavy vehicles.
38. Retro reflectors: rear of commercial motor vehicles.
39. Retro reflectors: other vehicles.
40. Rctro reflectors: sides of vehicles.
41. Warning sign: trailers;
42. Brakes: general requirements of motor vehicles and trailers.
43. Brakes: peclal-cyclcs.
44. Brakes: motor cycles.
45. Brakes: tractors, construction vehicles and vehicles towing
construction trailers.
46. Brakes: motor vehicles other than tractors, construction vehicles
or motorcycles.
47. Brakes: trailers.
48. Braking device: animal-drawn vehicles.
49. Presumptions regarding brakes.
50. Audible warning device: pedal-cycles.
51. Audible warning device: motor vehicles.
52. Special visual warning device: all motor vehicles.
53. Spare wheel, tools and fire extinguisher: all vehicles.
54. Windscreens and windows.
55. Windscreen wipers.
56. Fuel tanks. electric wiring and battery.
57. Engine of motor vehicle to be covered.
58. Direction indicators: motor vehicles or trailers.
59. Direction indicators: motor cycles.
60. Suspension, axles and structure.
61. Scats.
62. Doors and panels.
63. Mechanical connections between vehicles.
64. Speedometer, speed monitoring or speed-limiting device.
65. Safety devices: omnibuses.
66. Dangerous fittings or fixtures.
67. Vehicles in dangerous condition.
68. Motor cyclists to wear safety helmets.
69. ·rowing.
70. Pushing of a motor vehicle by another motor vehicle prohibited.
71. Stationary vehicles.
72. Gross mass.
73. Tyres on vehicles using certain roads.
74. Loading: pedal cycles and motor cycles.
75. Loading: motor vehicles and trailers.
76. Loading: all vehicles.
77. Loading: exemptions.
78. Projecting loads.
79. Maintenance of internal combustion engine.
Road Traffic (Construction, Equipment and Use) Regulations.
XO. Prohibiting of passengers: tractors not designed to form part of
articulated unit.
81. Carriage of passengers: goods vehicles.
82. Carriage of passengers: passenger vehicles other than public
service vehicles.
83. Prescribed fees.
84. Signs and notices.
85. Exemptions by Minister.
86. Forms.
87. Offences and penalties.
88. Repeals.
FIRST SnlEDt;LE: Overhang.
SECOND ScHEDUlE Axle configuration.
THIRD ScHEDULE: Chromaticity chart.
FouRTH ScHEDULE: Chevron.
FriTH ScHEDULE: Retro ret1ectors and warning signs: animal drawn
SrxTH ScHEDUlE Special visual warning device: breakdown tri:mgle.
SEVENTH ScHEDULE: Construction vehicles.
EIGHTH ScHEDULE: Prescribed fees.
TENTH SCHEDUlE Repealed regulations.
S .I. I 29 of 201 S
lT is hereby notified that the Minister of Transport and
Infrastructural Development, in terms of section 81 of the Road Traffic
Act !Chapter !3:llj, has made the following regulations:-
Title and date of commencement
1. (I) These regulations may be cited as the Road Traffic
(Construction, Equipment and Use) Regulations, 2015.
(2) These regulations shall come into operation on the 14th
of December. 2015.
2. In these regulations-
"at night" means the period between half past five o'clock
in the afternoon and half past six o'clock the following
"auto-cycle" means that part of the axle on which the wheel
"axle arm" means that part of the axle on which the wheel
"beacon light" means a flashing light fitted to a vehicle in
such a manner that the light emitted from it is visible
from any direction in a horizontal plane;
"brake decelerometer" means any equipment designed and
normally used to measure the deceleration of a motor
vehicle for the purpose of determining the efficiency or
its brakes;
"brake roller tester" means equipment which makes use of
rollers and a display dial or digital meter which is used
to measure the braking force applied on each wheel or
a motor vehicle or trailer;
"bus train" means an articulated vehicle which is an omnibus
with the drawing vehicle and trailer so interconnected
that it allows free movement of persons between units;
Road Traffic (Construction, Equipment and Use) Regulations,
"cane transportation unit" means a combination of vehicles
used exclusively for the transportation of sugar cane;
"cummcrcial motor vehicle" means a motor lorry, tractor,
van, including vehicles commonly known as "pick up''
double cabs, breakdown van or any similar motor vehicle
not exceeding two thousand three hundred kilograms
in net mass, but does not include vehicles commonly
known as "station wagons" and goods vehicle adapted
for the carriage of passengers;
;;construction vehicle" means a vehicle-
( a) specifically designed to perform a specific function
in the construction business which otherwise
cannot be performed by an ordinary vehicle; and
(h) is not capable of attaining a speed in excess of 40
km/h; and
(c) is solely used at construction sites or environment
for which it is designed to operate; and
(d) listed in the Seventh Schedule as a construction
.. dcfi ni ti ons of diamond grade, honeycomb and engi necri ng grade
reflective material" means any material designed to reflect
light back to its source;
"direction indicator", in relation to any vehicle means-
(a) a blinking or flashing white or amber light fitted to
the front of the vehicle and a blinking or flashing
red or amber light fitted to the rear of a vehicle;
(b) a blinking or flashing light fitted to the side of the
vehicle and showing a white or amber light to the
front and a red or amber light to the rear of such
"fog lamp" means a lamp designed to improve road surface
illumination infog,snow,heavy rain or dusty conditions,
usually characterized by wide side spread and enables
the driver to see clearly through fog, snow, heavy rain
or dusty conditions;
S.I. 129 of 20 I 5
"footbrake" refers to the braking system which is designed
for and ordinarily used for slowing dovvn or bringing
the vehicle to a halt when in motion and commonly
referred to as "in motion or service brake";
"handbrake" refers to the braking system that is designed for
and ordinarily used for keeping a vehicle in a stationary
position or parked and commonly referred to as the
"parking brake" and may be used in an emergency;
"hazard warning lamps" means-
(a) two or more blinking or flashing white or amber
lights fitted to the front of a vehicle which emit
white or amber light to the front of the vehicle; or
(b) two or more blinking or flashing red or amber
lights fitted to the rear of a vehicle which emit reel
or amber light to the rear of the vehicle; or
(c) two or more lamps fitted to the sides of a vehicle
and designed so as to emit white or amber light
to the front and red or amber light to the rear of
the vehicle;
all of which being designed to blink or flash
simultaneously when a special switch is operated;
"height lamps" means identification lamps also referred to
as "clearance lamps" indicating the highest point at the
front or rear of a vehicle;
"horn" means an electrical or mechanical instrument capable
of emitting a continuous sound immediately when
operated and clearly audible, under normal conditions
at a distance of not less than one hundred metres and
includes a device commonly referred to as a "hooter"
but does not include a siren or any other device capable
of emitting a sound similar to or which can be confused
with thal of a siren.
Provided that a horn shall emit a sound of at
least 101 dB (A) and not more than 118 dB (A);
"noise meter" means anyequipmentdesigned for and normally
used to determine the level of noise pollution produced
by vehicle systems including exhaust systems;
Road Traffic (Construction, Equipment and Usc) Regulations,
"overhang" in relation to any vehicle, means the distance
measured horizontally, and parallel to the longitudinal
axis of the vehicle, between two vertical planes at right
angles to that axis passing through-
(a) rear most point of the vehicle, exclusive of-
(i) any ladder permanently fixed to the vehicle
and used for gaining access to the roof; and
(ii) luggage-carrier fixed to the vehicle, where
the vehicle is a motor vehicle constructed
solely for the carriage of not more than seven
passengers and their effects; and
(b) any of the following points--
(i) in the case of a motor vehicle with two axles,
one of which is not a steering axle, the centre
point of that axle; or
(ii) in the case of a motor vehicle having three
axles where the front axle is the only steering
axle, the point one hundred millirnetres
behind the centre of a straight Iincjoining the
centre-points of the rear and middle axles;
(iii) in the case of a motor vehicle with three
axles, the front two of which are the steering
axles, the point hundred millimetres behind
the centre of a straight linejoining the centrepoint
of the third and the fourth axles; or
(i v) in any other case, the point situated on the
longitudinal axis of the vehicle and such that
a line drawn from it at rightangles to the axis
will pass through the centre of the minimum
turning-circle of the vehicle:
Provided that in determining the overhang of a
semi trailer, the centre of the kingpin shall be deemed
to be the centre of the steering axle.
[Note:-lllustrations, designed to assist in calculating the
overhang of a vehicle appear in the First Schedule.]
S.l. 129 of 2015
"pedal cycle" includes any auto-cycle, bicycle or tricycle;
"registration plate" means a plate bearing the registration
mark and number assigned to a motor vehicle ora trailer
in terms of the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Act
[Chapter 13:14] and conforming to any regulations
made in terms of that Act;
"retro reflector" means a reflector of glass or other reflective
material designed to reflect light back to its source;
"ride" includes cause or permit to be ridden;
"safety belt" means a harness or safety beltassembly, including
both a lap and a diagonal strap, as defined in the Central
African Standard 223: 1982;
"safety glass" means glass manufactured or treated that, if
fractured, it does not readily shatter into fragments
capable of causing severe cuts;
"safety helmet" means a helmet which covers the head and
is designed for use by riders of motor-cycles;
"smoke meter/analyzer" means any equipment designed and
normally used to determine the density and additionally,
or alternatively, the constituents of the exhaust smoke
or gases from the engine of a motor vehicle;
"strip track" means that part of a road constructed with strips
of cement, concrete, tar macadam or any other material,
and includes that portion of the road lying between such
"trailer bus" means asemi-trailerdesigned to carry passengers;
"wheel-base" meansadistance between the plane perpendicular
to the longitudinal axis of a vehicle which passes through
the centre or centres of the front wheel or wheels and
the foremost vertical plane from which the overhang is
References to standard publications
3. (1) Any reference in these regulations to any standards
published by the Standards Association of Zimbabwe or any other
International StandardsAuthority,shall imply that such standard is the
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