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- Create Date June 30, 2020
- Last Updated June 30, 2020
Act 11/2002, 4/2007
- Short title.
- Establishment of University.
- Objects and powers of the University.
- Membership of University.
- Prohibition against discrimination in membership of University.
- Vice-Chancellor.
- Pro-Vice-Chancellors.
- Functions of Council.
- Disqualification for appointment as Council member.
- Vacation of office by Council members.
- Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Council.
- Executive Committee of Council.
- Functions of Senate.
- Academic Board.
- Terms and conditions of service of staff.
- Appointment and grading of staff.
- Promotion of staff.
- Staff Disciplinary Committee.
- Student Disciplinary Committee.
- Finance Committee.
- Accounts of University.
- Service of process.
- Validityof decisions of Council, Senate, Convocation and Boards and Committees.
Statutes of the University.
AN ACT to establish the Great Zimbabwe University; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
[Long title amended by Act 4 of 2007]
[Date of commencement: 20th December, 2002.]
1 Short title
This Act may be cited as the Masvingo State University Act [Chapter 25:24].
2 Interpretation
In this Act—
“academic staff” means all persons employed, whether full-time or part-time, by the University as professors, lecturers of any class, tutors or persons engaged in research;
“administrative staff” means all persons employed by the University who are categorized in terms of the Statutes as members of the administrative staff;
“Bursar” means the person holding office as Bursar of the University in terms of section twenty;
“Chairman of department” means a person appointed in terms of the Statutes to be chairman of a teaching department or head of an institute or centre controlled by the University;
“Chairman of the Council” means the person elected in terms of the Statutes;
“Chancellor” means the President in his capacity as Chancellor of the University in terms of section seven;
“Council” means the University Council established in terms of section ten;
“dean of faculty” means a person elected by the faculty board in terms of the Statutes;
“faculty” means a faculty of the University established in terms of the Statutes;
“institute” means an institute established in terms of the Statutes;
“Librarian” means the person holding office as Librarian of the University in terms of section twenty-one;
“library staff” means all persons employed by the University who are categorized in terms of Statutes as members of the Library Staff;
“Minister” means the Minister of Higher Education and Technology or any other Minister to whom the President may from time to time assign the administration of this Act;
“non-academic staff” means all persons employed by the University who are not members of the academic
“ordinance” means an ordinance made by the Council under Statute 23;
“Pro-Vice-Chancellor” means a person holding office as Pro-Vice-Chancellor in terms of section nine;
“Registrar” means the person holding office as Registrar of the University in terms of section nineteen;
“regulations” means regulations made by the Senate under section thirty-two;
“Senate” means the Senate established in terms of section sixteen;
“senior administrative staff” means the Registrar, the Bursar and such other members of staff as the Council may from time to time determine;
“Statutes” means the Statutes of the University set out in the Schedule as amended from time to time or replaced in terms of section thirty-one;
“Students’ Executive Council” means any association of students recognized by the Council as the Students’ Executive Council;
“technical staff” means all persons employed by the University who are categorized in terms of the Statutes as members of the technical staff;
“University” means the Great Zimbabwe University constituted in terms of this Act;
[Definition substituted by Act 4 of 2007]
“Vice-Chancellor” means the person holding the office of Vice-Chancellor in terms of section eight;
3 Establishment of University
- There is hereby constituted a university to be known as the Great Zimbabwe State University.
[Subsection amended by Act 4 of 2007]
- The University shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and shall be capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name and, subject to this Act, performing all acts that bodies corporate may by law perform.
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