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Statutory Instrument 21 of 2010.
Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment General Regulations 2010
- Title and date of commencement.
- Objective of regulations.
- Every business to notify extent of present or future compliance with indigenisation.
- Approval and amendment of indigenisation implementation plans and prescription of thresholds and timeframes.
- Indigenisation of merged or restructured businesses.
- Indigenisation of unbundled or demerged businesses.
- Indigenisation where controlling interests in businesses are relinquished.
- Indigenisation of projected or proposed investments.
- Persons or parties responsible for submitting forms, making notifications, etc.
- Proof of compliance with Act.
- Extent to which procured goods and services are to be subcontracted to indigenous Zimbabweans.
- Indigenisation and empowerment assessment rating.
- Employee share ownership schemes or trusts.
- Identification of potential counterparties to notifiable transactions.
- Valuation of businesses where truth or accuracy of valuation disputed.
- Persons acting as fronts to be prosecuted.
First Schedule: Form of Notification of Extent of Indigenisation and Indigenisation Implementation Plan.
Second Schedule: Form of Notification and Application Required by Section 3(1) (b) (c) (d) (e) and 4 of Act.
Third Schedule: Sectors Reserved Against Foreign Investment in Favour of Indigenous Zimbabweans.
Fourth Schedule: Form for Indigenisation Assessment Rating.
Fifth Schedule: Form for Qualifying Employee Share Ownership Scheme or Trust.
Sixth Schedule: Form of Request to Minister to Identify Indigenous Zimbabweans as Potential Counterparties to Notifiable Transactions Form by Indigenous Zimbabwean(s) Intending to Acquire Controlling Interest in Business.
[Under Sixth Schedule “Form by Indigenous Zimbabwean(s) Intending to Acquire Controlling Interest in Business” was included in error as it constitutes the Seventh Schedule. – Law Reviser]
IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment, after consultation with the Board, has, in terms of section 21 of the Indigenisation and Empowerment Act [Chapter 14:33], made the following regulations:—
1. Title and date of commencement
- These regulations may be cited as the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment (General) Regulations, 2010.
- These regulations shall come into force on the 1st March, 2010.
2. Interpretation
In these regulations—
“appropriate person”, in relation to the submission of a Form IDG 01 and indigenisation implementation plan in terms of section 4, means the person who, in terms of section 8(1), is responsible for submitting the form and the plan to the Minister;
“approved”, in relation to an indigenisation implementation plan submitted by a business, means approved or deemed to have been approved in terms of section 5;
“fixed date” means the date fixed in terms of section 1(2) as the date of operation of these regulations;
“form” means a form prescribed in the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, or Sixth Schedule;
“indigenisation plan” means a written proposal to the Minister on how and when fifty-one per centum or a control ling interest in any business shall fall under the control of the indigenous Zimbabweans;
“minimum indigenisation and empowerment quota” means a controlling interest or the fifty-one per centum of the shares or interests which in terms of the Act is required to be held by indigenous Zimbabweans in a business pursuant to any transaction referred to in sections 3, 4, 5,6,7(1), 9 and 11;
“notifiable transaction” means a transaction in respect of which notice is required to be given in terms of section 8;
“notifying party” in relation to a notifiable transaction, means the party that in terms of section 8(2), is responsible for notifying the transaction to the Minister;
“qualifying scheme or trust” means an employee share ownership scheme or trust that qualifies in terms of section 12 for the purposes of being used to assess the extent to which a business that is a company has achieved or exceeded the minimum indigenisation and empowerment quota.
3. Objective of regulations
These regulations are framed with the general objective that every business of or above the prescribed value threshold must—
- within the next five years from the date of operation of these regulations, or within five years from the commencement of the business concerned, as the case may be, cede a controlling interest of not less than fifty-one per centum of the shares or interests therein to indigenous Zimbabweans; unless, in order to achieve other socially or economically desirable objectives, a lesser share of indigenisation or a longer period within which to achieve it is justified;
- after five years from the date of operation of these regulations, or within five years from the commencement of the business concerned, as the case may be, cede a controlling interest of not less than fifty-one per centum of the shares or interests therein to indigenous Zimbabweans, unless the business concerned has previously submitted an indigenisation implementation plan together with Form IDG 01 which has been approved by the Minister in terms of these regulations.
4. Every business to notify extent of present or future compliance with indigenisation
(1) Within forty-five days from the fixed date, every business in Zimbabwe with an asset value of or above five hundred thousand United States dollars (US $500 000) shall—
- in the case of business existing on the fixed date (whether or not fifty-one per centum of its shares or a controlling interest is held by indigenous Zimbabweans), submit to the Minister through the appropriate person Form IDG 01, duly completed; or
- in the case of business commenced after the fixed date (whether or not fifty-one per centum of its shares or a controlling interest is held by indigenous Zimbabweans), submit to the Minister through the appropriate personForm IDG 01, duly completed, within sixty days from the date of commencement of the business.
(2) Every business in which indigenous Zimbabweans do not hold fifty-one per centum of the shares or a controlling interest shall—
- in the case of business existing on the fixed date, submit together with Form IDG 01, duly completed, an indigenisation implementation plan in accordance with any guidelines provided by Form IDG 01, within forty five days from the fixed date; or
- in the case of business commenced after the fixed date, submit together with Form IDG 01, duly completed, an indigenisation implementation plan in accordance with any guidelines provided by Form IDG 01, within forty-five days from the date of commencement of the business.
- Copies of Form IDG 01 may be obtained by or on behalf of any appropriate person from any office of the Ministry of Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment or the Fund during normal working hours:
Provided that an appropriate person may, for the purpose of subsection (1) or (2), submit a form that is substantially in accordance with Form IDG 01.
- If, in the opinion of the Minister, a business that should have submitted a Form IDG 01 in accordance with subsection (1) or (2) has not complied after a period of forty-five days from the fixed date or forty-five days from the date of commencement of the business, as the case may be, the Minister may serve on the business a copy of Form IDG 01 in any of the ways specified by subsection (5), and if such business fails to return Form IDG 01, duly completed, to the Minister within thirty days from the date of the service of the form or of publication by or on behalf of the Minister of a notice in the Gazette in terms of subsection (5)(f), the owner of the business or, in the case of a company, the director or every director of the company shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level twelve or imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
- Service of Form IDG 01 on a business may be effected in any of the following ways—
- by delivering it to the owner of the business personally or to his or her duly authorised agent; or
- by delivering it to a responsible person at the head office or principal place of business; or
- by sending it by registered mail to the head office or principal place of the business concerned; or
- in the case where the business to be served is a body corporate, by delivering it to— (i) a responsible person at the body corporate’s registered office or place of business; or
(ii) a director or the secretary or public officer of the body corporate;
- in the case where the business to be served is a partner ship, by delivering it to—
(i) a responsible person at the partnership’s office or place of business; or (ii) any of the partners;
- in the case where service in accordance with any of the foregoing modes is not possible for any reason, by publication by or on behalf of the Minister of a notice in the Gazette, notifying the business of the requirement to collect and complete Form IDG 01 in terms of subsection (1) or (2), and subsection (3).
- A business referred to in subsection (2) or (4) may, in writing, request for an extension of time within which to submit its indigenisation implementation plan, and the Minister may, on good cause shown by the company, permit it a further period not exceeding thirty days within which to do so.
- If the owner of a business or, in the case of a business that is a company, the director or directors of the company, make any statement or declaration or furnish any information in or in connection with Form IDG 01 or an indigenisation implementation plan submitted by such business in terms of subsection (2) or (4)— (a) knowing that such statement, declaration or information is false in any material particular; or
(b) without having reasonable grounds for believing that such statement, declaration or information is true; the owner of the business or the director or every director, as the case may be, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level twelve or imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
5. Approval and amendment of indigenisation implementation plans and prescription of thresholds and timeframes
(1) The Minister shall, no later than forty-five days after an indigenisation implementation plan submitted to him or her in terms of section 4(1), (2) or (4), by notice in writing to the business concerned, and on a case-by-case basis, either—
- approve any indigenisation implementation plan submitted by the business; or
- make the approval of the indigenisation implementation plan by the business dependant upon its conformity with the notice in the Gazette referred to in subsection, in which event—
- if the indigenisation implementation plan meets or exceeds the minimum indigenisation requirements for a business operating in the sector or subsector of the economy concerned, the plan shall be deemed to have been approved; or
- if the indigenisation implementation plan does not meet the minimum indigenisation requirements for a business operating in the sector or subsector of the economy concerned, the plan shall be deemed to have been rejected.
- If the Minister has, in terms of section 4(1), (2) or (4), received a completed Form IDG 01 with no indigenisation implementation plan attached, and the Minister is of the opinion that the business requires such a plan because it has not achieved minimum indigenisation and empowerment quota, he or she shall, no later than forty-five days after the Form IDG 01 has been submitted to him or her, by notice in writing to the business concerned request the business to submit an indigenisation implementation plan within thirty days from the date of the service of the notice.
- The Minister may, no later than forty-five days after an indigenisation implementation plan submitted to him or her in terms of section 4(1), (2) or (4), or in terms of subsection (2), request a business in writing to furnish him or her with any additional information that the Minister may reasonably require in connection with any Form IDG 01 or an indigenisation implementation plan submitted to him or her, and if such business—
- fails to submit such additional information within thirty days from the date when the request is made, or within such further period as the Minister may, for good cause, allow; or
- furnishes any additional information which is, to the knowledge of the owner of the business, or, in the case of a company, to the knowledge of the director or board of directors, false in any material particular, or was furnished by the owner, director or board without having reasonable grounds for believing it to be true; the owner of the business or, in the case of a company, the director or every director of the company shall he guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level twelve or imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
(4) On the basis of information gathered after considering submissions by businesses referred to in section 4(1)(a) and (2)(a), the Minister shall, within twelve months from the fixed date, publish by notice in the Gazette prescribing, with respect to each sector and subsector of the economy—
- what lesser share than the minimum indigenisation and empowerment quota shall be the minimum lesser share that indigenous Zimbabweans may hold in a business operating in the sector or subsector in question; and
- for what maximum period a business referred to in paragraph (a) may continue to operate with such lesser share until the minimum indigenisation and empowerment quota is achieved; and
- what weighting (expressed as a fixed percentage that may be added towards the fulfilment of the minimum indigenisation and empowerment quota) to assign to any one or more the following socially and economically desirable objectives in favour of a business operating in a specified sector or subsector of the economy, namely—
- the undertaking of specified development work in the community in which the business in question carries on its business; and
- the beneficiation to a specified extent of raw materials that are extracted in Zimbabwe by the business in question before it exports them; and
- the transfer to a specified extent of new technology to Zimbabwe by the business in question; and
- the employment to a specified extent of local skills or the imparting of new skills to Zimbabweans to a specified extent; and
- any other socially and economically desirable objective not mentioned above.
- if the Minister makes no positive response to an indigenisation implementation plan submitted to him or her in terms of section 4(i)(a) and (2)(a), and the Gazette notice referred to in subsection (3) is not published within twelve months from the fixed date, the indigenisation implementation plan shall be considered to have been approved.
- If an indigenisation implementation plan submitted to the Minister in terms of section 4(1 )(a) and (2)(a) is deemed to have been rejected by reason of it not meeting the minimum indigenisation requirements for a business operating in the sector or subsector of the economy concerned that are specified in the Gazette notice referred to in subsection (3), the business may, no later than forty-five days after the publication of the Gazette notice referred to in subsection (3), submit a revised indigenisation implementation plan to the Minister who shall, no later than three months after the revised indigenisation implementation plan submitted to him or her, by notice in writing to the business concerned, either—
- approve the revised indigenisation implementation plan submitted by the business if, in his or her opinion, the plan meets or exceeds the gazetted minimum indigenisation requirements for a business operating in the sector or subsector of the economy concerned; or
- reject the revised indigenisation implementation plan submitted by the business if, in his or her opinion, the plan does not meet the gazetted minimum indigenisation requirements for a business operating in the sector or subsector of the economy concerned.
(7) If a revised indigenisation implementation plan submitted to the Minister in terms of subsection (6) is rejected in terms of paragraph (b) of that subsection, the business concerned shall have one more opportunity to submit another revised indigenisation implementation plan no later than forty-five days from the date when it is notified of the rejection, and subsection (6) shall apply to such plan in the same way as it applied to the first revised indigenisation implementation plan submitted by it.
6. Indigenisation of merged or restructured businesses
(1) For the purpose of section 3(1)(b)(iii) of the Act, this section applies where—
- a merger or restructuring of two or more related or associated businesses is of such a size that it is required to be notified to the Competition Commission in terms of Part IVA of the Competition Act [Chapter 14:28]; and
- the share held by indigenous Zimbabweans in the resultant merged or restructured business is less than fiftyone per centum.
(2) In the circumstances described in subsection (1), the notifying party shall, within thirty days from the date when the transaction is entered, but in any event before the transaction is concluded, submit a Form IDG 02 to the Minister, whereupon the Minister shall—
- where the transaction conforms to the targets set out in an approved indigenisation implementation plan submitted by any of the merged or restructured businesses concerned (or, in the case where there were two or more approved indigenisation implementation plans relating the businesses concerned, the plan which most expeditiously achieves indigenisation) approve the transaction; or
- where the transaction does not conform to the targets set out in an approved indigenisation implementation plan submitted by any of the merged or restructured businesses concerned (or, in the case where there were
two or more approved indigenisation implementation plans relating the businesses concerned, the plan which most expeditiously achieves indigenisation), not approve the transaction; or
- where none of the merged or restructured businesses concerned has an approved indigenisation implementation plan, not approve the transaction.
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