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- Create Date June 30, 2020
- Last Updated June 30, 2020
Act 4/2006
- Short title.
- Establishment of Institute.
- Objects and powers of Institute.
- Membership of Institute.
- Prohibition against discrimination in membership of Institute.
- Vice-Chancellor.
- Pro-Vice-Chancellor.
- Institute Board.
- Functions of Institute Board.
- Disqualification for appointment as Institute Board member.
- Vacation of office by Institute Board members.
- Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of Institute Board.
- Executive Committee of Institute Board.
- Function of Senate.
- Academic Board.
- Financial Director.
- Terms and conditions of service of staff.
- Appointment and grading of staff.
- Promotion of staff.
- Staff Disciplinary Committee.
- Student Disciplinary Committee.
- Finance Committee.
- Accounts of Institute.
- Service of process.
- Validity of decisions of Institute Board, Senate and boards and committees.
Statutes of the Institutes.
AN ACT to establish the Harare Institute of Technology as a degree-granting institution; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
[Date of commencement : 4th November, 2005.]
1 Short title
This Act may be cited as the Harare Institute of Technology Act [Chapter 25:26].
2 Interpretation In this Act—
“Academic Appointments Board” means the Board established in terms of subsection 24(1);
“academic staff” means all persons employed, whether full-time or part-time, by the Institute as—
- professors, lecturers of any class or persons engaged in research; or
- holders of posts declared by the Senate to be academic posts;
“administrative staff” means all persons employed by the Institute who are categorised in terms of the Statutes as members of the administrative staff;
“chairperson of a department” means a person appointed in terms of the Statutes to be chairperson of a teaching department or head of a centre controlled by the Institute;
“Chairperson of the Institute Board” means the person elected in terms of the Statutes to be the Chairperson of the Institute Board;
“Chancellor” means the President in his or her capacity as Chancellor of the Institute in terms of section 7;
“dean of a school or faculty” means a person elected by the school or faculty board in terms of the Statutes;
“Financial Director” means the person holding office as Financial Director of the Institute in terms of section 20;
“Institute” means the Harare Institute of Technology incorporated in terms of section 3;
“Institute Board” means the Institute Board established in terms of section 10;
“Librarian” means the person holding office as Librarian of the Institute in terms of section 21;
“Library Staff” means all persons employed by the Institute who are categorised in terms of the Statutes as members of the Library Staff;
“Minister” means the Minister of Higher Education and Technology or any other Minister to whom the President may from time to time assign the administration of this Act;
“non-academic staff” means all persons employed by the Institute who are not members of the academic
“ordinance” means an ordinance made by the Institute Board under Statute 22;
“Pro-Vice-Chancellor” means a person holding office as Pro-Vice-Chancellor in terms of section 9;
“Registrar” means the person holding office as Registrar of the Institute in terms of section 19;
“regulations” means regulations made by the Senate under section 32;
“school or faculty” means a school or faculty of the Institute established in terms of the Statutes;
“school board” means a school board established in terms of the Statutes;
“Senate” means the Senate established in terms of section 16;
“senior administrative staff” means the Registrar, the Financial Director and such other members of staff as the Institute Board may from time to time determine;
“staff” means academic staff, administrative staff, technical staff and workers;
“Statutes” means the Statutes of the Institute set out in the Schedule as amended from time to time or replaced in terms of section 31;
“Students’ Union” means any association of students recognised by the Institute Board as the Students’ Union;
“technical staff” means all persons employed by the Institute who are categorised in terms of the Statutes as members of the technical staff;
“Vice-Chancellor” means the person holding the office of Vice-Chancellor in terms of section 8;
“workers” means all persons employed by the Institute who are categorised in terms of the Statutes as workers;
“workers committee” has the meaning given to it by the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01].
3 Establishment of Institute
The Harare Institute of Technology which existed before the date of commencement of this Act as an entity within the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education shall, with effect from that date, become a body corporate with perpetual succession capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name and, subject to this Act, performing all acts that bodies corporate may by law perform.
4 Objects and powers of Institute
(1) The objects of the Institute are— (a) the advancement of knowledge; and
- the development, incubation, transfer, and commercialisation of technology; and
- the development of technical expertise to the highest degree possible; and
- the development of a science park; and
- the establishment of productive centres, facilities or enterprises linked to or associated with specific schools within the Institute; and
- the training of lecturers in technology; and
- the provision of education programmes focussing on design, production and maintenance technology relevant to industry and other sectors of economy; and
- the delivery of useful, innovative, timely and cost-effective technological research outcomes characterised by excellence; and
- the nurturing of the spirit of patriotism and of the intellectual, aesthetic, social and moral growth of, and gender sensitivity among, the students and staff of the Institute.
(2) For the achievement of its object of the Institute shall, subject to this Act, have the following powers—
- to provide for research and courses of instruction whether on a full-time or part-time basis, by distance or extra-murally, and to take such other steps as may appear necessary and desirable for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge;
- to hold examinations and to confer degrees, including honorary degrees, diplomas, certificates and other awards, upon persons who have followed courses of study approved by the Senate and additionally, or
alternatively, have satisfied such other requirements as may be determined by the Senate;
- to provide courses not leading to degrees, diplomas or certificates, including training for persons wishing to enter the Institute;
- to provide opportunities for staff and students, and such other persons as the Institute may approve, to engage in productive activity in the fields of science and technology and any other fields in which the Institute may from time to time be engaged;
- to promote research with emphasis on scientific, technological, industrial and developmental projects, with particular reference to the developmental needs of Zimbabwe;
- to institute professorships, lectureships, research fellowships, staff development fellowships and other posts and offices and to make appointments thereto;
- to institute and award fellowships, scholarships, bursaries, prize medals, exhibitions, and other distinctions, awards and forms of assistance consistent with its objects;
- to erect, equip and maintain laboratories, workshops, offices, halls of residence, lecture halls, libraries, museums and other buildings and structures required for the promotion of its projects;
- to provide and maintain sports fields and other recreational facilities for its students and members of
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