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- Create Date June 30, 2020
- Last Updated June 30, 2020
Act 15/2001, 22/2001 (.s. 4).
- Short title.
- Establishment of University.
- Objects and powers of the University.
- Membership of the University.
- Prohibition against discrimination in membership of University.
- Vice-Chancellor.
- Pro-Vice-Chancellors.
- Functions of Council.
- Disqualifications for appointment as Council member.
- Vacation of office by Council members.
- Chairman and vice-chairman of Council.
- Executive Committee of Council.
- Functions of Senate.
- Senate Executive Committee.
- Terms and conditions of service of staff.
- Appointment and grading of staff.
- Promotion of staff.
- Staff Disciplinary Committee.
- Student Disciplinary Committee.
- Finance Committee.
- Service of process.
- Validity of decisions of Council, Senate, Convocation, boards and committees.
Statutes of the University.
AN ACT to establish the Chinhoyi University of Technology; and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
[Date of commencement: 10th August, 2001.]
1 Short title
This Act may be cited as the Chinhoyi University of Technology Act [Chapter25:23].
2 Interpretation In this Act
“academic staff” means all persons employed, whether full-time or part-time, by the University as professors, lecturers of any class, tutors or persons engaged in research;
“administrative staff” means all persons employed by the University who are categorised in terms of the Statutes as members of the administrative staff;
“Bursar” means the person holding office as Bursar of the University in terms of section twenty;
“Chairman of the Council” means the person elected to be chairman of the Council in terms of the Statutes;
“Chancellor” means the President in his capacity as Chancellor of the University in terms of section seven;
“Council” means the University Council established in terms of section ten;
“dean of faculty” means a person appointed by the Council in terms of the Statutes;
“director of a school or institute” means the head of a school or institute of the University;
“employee” means every person employed by the University who is categorised in terms of the Statutes as an employee;
“faculty” means a faculty of the University established in terms of the Statutes;
“head of department” means a person appointed in terms of the Statutes to be head of a teaching department, institute or centre controlled by the University;
“institute” means an institute established in terms of the Statutes;
“Librarian” means the person holding office as Librarian of the University in terms of section twenty-one;
“Minister” means the Minister of Higher Education or any other Minister to whom the President may, from time to time, assign the administration of this Act;
“non-academic staff” means all persons employed by the University who are not members of the academic
“ordinance” means an ordinance made by the Council under Statute 23;
“Pro-Vice-Chancellor” means a person holding office as Pro-Vice-Chancellor in terms of section nine;
“Registrar” means the person holding office as Registrar of the University in terms of section nineteen;
“regulations” means regulations made by the Senate under section thirty-one;
“Senate” means the Senate established in terms of section sixteen;
“senior administrative staff” means the Registrar, the Bursar and such other members of staff as the Council may from time to time determine;
“Statutes” means the Statutes of the University set out in the Schedule as amended from time to time or replaced in terms of section thirty;
“Students’ Executive Council” means any association of students recognised by the Council as the Students’ Executive Council;
“University” means the Chinhoyi University of Technology constituted in terms of this Act;
“Vice-Chancellor’ means the person holding the office of Vice-Chancellor in terms of section eight.
3 Establishment of University
- There is hereby constituted a university to be known as the Chinhoyi University of Technology.
- The University shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and shall be capable of suing and being sued in its corporate name and, subject to this Act, of performing all acts that corporate bodies may by law perform.
4 Objects and powers of the University
(1) The objects of the University are—
- the advancement of knowledge;
- the development and practice of design and technology;
- the teaching and application of sciences, art and design;
- the preservation, dissemination and enhancement of knowledge and skills relevant to the development of the people of Zimbabwe;
- the nurturing of the intellectual, aesthetic, social and moral growth of the students;
- the nurturing of entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity on the part of all the members of the
- the creation of opportunities for income generation through consultancy work, training and other similar activities, with the ultimate aim of making the University a self-sustaining entity.
(2) For the achievement of its objects, the University shall, subject to this Act, have the following powers
- to provide for research and courses of instruction, whether on a full-time or part-time basis, by correspondence or extra-murally, and to take such other steps as may appear necessary and desirable for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge;
- to hold examinations and to confer degrees, including honorary degrees, diplomas, certificates and other awards, upon persons who have followed a course or courses of study approved by the Senate and additionally, or alternatively, have satisfied such other requirements as may be determined by the Senate;
- to provide courses not leading to degrees, diplomas or certificates, including training for persons wishing to enter the University;
- to provide opportunities for staff and students and such other persons as the University may approve to engage in productive activities in the field of science and technology, commercial, and any other field in which the University may from time to time be engaged;
- to promote research, design activities and problem solving with respect to the provision of appropriate technologies in rural and urban Zimbabwe;
- to institute professorships, lectureships, research fellowships, staff development fellowships and other posts and offices and to make appointments thereto;
- to institute and award fellowships, scholarships, bursaries, prize medals, exhibitions, and other distinctions, awards and forms of assistance consistent with its objects;
- to erect, equip and maintain laboratories, offices, halls of residence, lecture halls, libraries, museums and other buildings and structures required for the promotion of its objects;
- in relation to its object of income generation, to enter into partnerships or joint ventures with individuals or corporate bodies in commerce and industry, the public sector or other tertiary institutions;
- to enter into such contracts, establish such trusts and appoint such staff as the University may require;
- to regulate and provide for the residence of officers, staff, students and employees;
- to provide and maintain recreation facilities for officers, staff, students and employees;
- to demand and receive such fees as may from time to time be prescribed by or in terms of the Statutes;
- to establish pension, superannuation or provident or other credit fund schemes for the benefit of its staff or any section thereof and to enter into arrangements with the Government or any organisation or person for the operation of such schemes;
- to acquire any property, movable or immovable, and take, accept and hold any property which may become vested in it by way of purchase, exchange, grant, donation, lease, testamentary disposition or otherwise;
- to sell, mortgage, let on hire, exchange, donate, or otherwise dispose of any property held by it;
- to invest in the money market, business concerns, land or securities such funds as may be vested in it for the purpose of endowment, whether for general or specific purposes, or such other funds as may not be immediately required for current expenditure;
- to borrow money for any purpose deemed fit by the Council;
- to lend money in the form of loans to its staff, students and graduates on terms and conditions approved by the Council;
- to do all such acts and things, whether or not incidental to the powers specified in this subsection and whether inside or outside Zimbabwe, as may be requisite in order to further its overall objects or any of them.
5 Membership of University
The University shall consist of
- a Chancellor; and
- a Vice-Chancellor; and
- one or more Pro-Vice Chancellors; and
- members of the Council; and
- members of the Senate; and
- academic staff, administrative staff and employees; and (g) registered students, both full-time and part-time; and (h) the Convocation.
6 Prohibition against discrimination in membership of University
- No test of religious or political belief, race, ethnic origin, nationality or gender shall be imposed upon or required of any person in order to entitle him or her to be admitted as a member of staff or student of the University or to hold any office therein or privilege thereof.
- Nothing in subsection (1) shall be construed as preventing the University from giving preference to citizens or residents of Zimbabwe when making appointments or promotions or when admitting students. 7 Chancellor
- The President of Zimbabwe shall be the Chancellor of the University.
- The Chancellor shall be head of the University.
- The Chancellor shall have the right
- to preside over any assembly or meeting held by or under the authority of the University; and
- upon the recommendation of the Council and the Senate, to confer degrees, diplomas, certificates and other awards and distinctions of the university and to withdraw or restore such awards.
8 Vice-Chancellor
- The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor after consultation with the Minister and the Council and shall hold office for such period as is provided in his contract of employment.
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